The application procedure for state boards varies among states and is contingent on the specific regulations of each state. Uniformity in state regulations regarding prescriptive authority is also lacking. Some states require APRNs to collaborate with physicians to have prescriptive authority, while others permit APRNs to practice and prescribe independently under certain conditions (Buppert, 2019).
State Board Application Process
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The process for APRNs to apply for board examinations in West Virginia comprises several stages. First, candidates must graduate from an accredited graduate program (Nursinglicensure, n.d.). After completing the accredited graduate program successfully, applicants can submit their applications, along with the requisite fees, to the state nursing board through an online portal (Nursinglicensure, n.d.) West Virginia Pursing Practice Certification and Licensure. Applicants will also need to provide official transcripts (Nursinglicensure, n.d.). Additionally, if applicants respond affirmatively to any questions on the application form concerning criminal convictions, professional disciplinary actions, drug use, or conditions that could impair their practice, they must provide explanations and supporting documentation (Nursinglicensure, n.d.). Once the completed application is submitted, fees are paid, and all necessary documentation is received by the board, the board will schedule the candidate for the examination (Nursinglicensure, n.d.) West Virginia Pursing Practice Certification and Licensure.
Application for Prescriptive Authority
In West Virginia, APRNs can seek and be granted prescriptive authority, either in collaboration with a physician or independently, depending on their level of experience (Buppert, 2019). For both independent and collaborative prescriptive authority, APRNs must have completed a minimum of 45 hours of board-approved graduate-level advanced pharmacology contact hours, hold a valid and unencumbered license, submit a completed application, and pay all required fees (Buppert, 2019). During the first three years of practice, APRNs may apply for and receive collaborative prescriptive authority (Buppert, 2019). To be eligible for collaborative prescriptive authority, APRNs must provide documentation of pharmacotherapy use in clinical practice during their educational program (Buppert, 2019). They must also furnish written verification of a collaborative agreement with a licensed physician in West Virginia who holds an unencumbered prescription practice license (Buppert, 2019). After the three-year collaborative prescriptive authority period, APRNs may apply for and be granted independent prescriptive authority (Buppert, 2019). In addition to completing the three-year collaborative agreement, APRNs must provide documentation of 15 contact hours in advanced pharmacology completed within two years before applying (Buppert, 2019) West Virginia Pursing Practice Certification and Licensure.
Impact of Prescriptive Authority
The restrictions and requirements imposed on APRNs regarding prescriptive authority are designed to ensure patient safety. States like West Virginia, which mandate a specific period of collaborative prescriptive authority before granting independent authority, are taking steps to maintain patient safety. The mandatory collaboration between APRNs and physicians allows APRNs to gain practical experience while being supervised by a licensed physician, ultimately enhancing patient safety. Requiring collaboration ensures that APRNs can prescribe medications under the guidance of a licensed physician.
Impact of Prescriptive Authority, Credentialing, and Clinical Privilege
Regulations and criteria for prescriptive authority, credentialing, and clinical privilege exist to safeguard patient safety. These regulations and criteria are essential for confirming that APRNs meet the minimum eligibility and competency requirements. Without these regulations and criteria, there would be no way to verify that APRNs have completed the necessary education or to assess the extent of their knowledge and skills West Virginia Pursing Practice Certification and Licensure.
Prescriptive Authority
Prescriptive authority refers to the authorization granted to APRNs to prescribe medications (Scope of Practice Policy, 2020). The United States lacks uniformity in APRNs’ prescription privileges across states. Furthermore, various nursing organizations offer differing position statements regarding APRNs’ prescription authority. For instance, the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (2020) contends that prescription authority should be regulated solely by state nursing boards in accordance with APRNs’ roles, education, and certification. Conversely, the American Nurses Association maintains that all APRNs should have full practice authority, including prescription privileges (NursingWorld, n.d.) West Virginia Pursing Practice Certification and Licensure.
Credentialing pertains to the processes of regulating, collecting, and verifying the professional qualifications of APRNs (Hamric et al., 2018). National-level credentialing for APRNs is achieved by meeting eligibility standards and passing a national certification examination (Hamric et al., 2018). Similarly, state-level credentialing for APRNs is obtained through licensure once eligibility criteria are met (Hamric et al., 2018). Eligibility criteria for state-level APRN credentialing include completing the required graduate education and achieving successful results on a national certification exam (Hamric et al., 2018).
Clinical Privilege
Clinical privilege involves authorizing APRNs to provide specific treatments or care in specific settings (Summers, 2017). Clinical privileges for APRNs are contingent on licensure, training, education, health status, judgment, competence, and experience (Summers, 2017). Authorities such as human resources or medical staff grant APRNs clinical privileges (Summers, 2017) West Virginia Pursing Practice Certification and Licensure.
Advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) requirements in West Virginia. (n.d.). Nursinglicensure.org, https://www.nursinglicensure.org/np-state-/west-virginia-nurse-practitioner.html
Buppert, C. (2019). Nurse Practitioner’s Business Practice and Legal Guide, 5th Edition [Bookshelf Ambassadored]. https://ambassadored.vitalsource.com/#/books/9781284143003/
Hamric, A., Hanson, C., Tracy, M., & O’Grady, E. (2019). Advanced Practice Nursing: An Integrative Approach. Fifth Edition. Elsevier. ISBN 978-1-4557-3980-6.
Keeling, A. W. (2015). Historical perspectives on an expanded role for nursing. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 20(2), Manuscript 2. Doi: 10.3912/OJIN.Vol20No02Man02
Nurse practitioners overview. (2020). Scope of Practice Policy, https://scopeofpracticepolicy.org/pratitioners/nurse-practitioners/
Nurse practitioner prescriptive authority. (2020). American Association of Nurse Practitioners, https://www.aanp.org/advocacy/advocacy-resource/position-statement/nurse-practitioner-prescriptive-privilege
Summers, L. (2020). Clinical privileges: Opening doors for APRNs. American Nurse, 44(1): 10 West Virginia Pursing Practice Certification and Licensure.
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