Theoretical and Scientific Foundations of Nursing Research: Qualitative Research

Theoretical and Scientific Foundations of Nursing Research: Qualitative Research

Qualitative research methods are usually motivated by the desire to understand more about a social problem or culture from the perspective of affected individuals. This research method primarily provides insight into a particular topic by analyzing data from the affected individual’s thoughts, feelings, opinions, and emotions (Busetto et al., 2020). The purpose of research utilizing the qualitative approach must address prevalence, measured connections between ideas, or the cause-and-effect relationship between variables (Gray & Grove, 2021). The selected topic for this discussion is suicide among children and adolescents. A qualitative research design can best be used to understand this phenomenon and generalize findings based on the affected individual’s thoughts and feelings. I believe the best qualitative method for researching children and adolescent suicide is through the use of one-on-one interviews.

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Interviews represent focused conversations between the researcher and the participant about a certain topic. This method seeks information from a number of people and can best serve to explain the perspectives of individuals toward a certain issue (Gray & Grove, 2021). Qualitative interviews can contain structured, semi-structured, or unstructured questions. The semi-structured interview is the most preferred in healthcare research because it provides the participants with guidance on aspects to explore and allows the researcher to explore more areas (Safazadeh et al., 2018). The reason for choosing this research method is because it aligns with the purpose of the social issue. This method will allow the collection of data from children and adolescents regarding the factors that could promote suicidal thoughts. Secondly, this method would allow the participants to discuss sensitive topics like suicide which many may not want to talk about in a group environment.

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Qualitative research approaches begin from a set of different beliefs than those that underpin quantitative research. This method is based on the belief that there is no singular reality to explain certain behavior or occurrence (Gray & Grove, 2021). Qualitative interviews serve the purpose of collecting the various views on the causes of a problem and facilitating conclusions on what can be done to address the identified social problems (Gray & Grove, 2021). For this reason, the use of open-ended questions during data collection can yield diverse knowledge about the social issue. Another reason for using this method is that it provides an in-depth analysis of data (Busetto et al., 2020). Interviews allow the recording of information that can later be used to gain insight into the area of interest.

Theoretical and Scientific Foundations of Nursing Research

The interview method can be a good source of information to propose changes that can reduce suicide in young adults. This method aligns with the theoretical framework of the needs assessment described by Virginia Henderson. The theory focuses on both the physical and psychological aspects of care which could be crucial in addressing the issue of suicide among children and young adults. Regarding the alignment of the research method with the purpose of the study, interviews are most preferred when describing the essence of a phenomenon. This method can help to identify the life history of affected individuals, obtain detailed information about the issue, and explore their experiences (De Chesney, 2014). Based on the interview method chosen for this research, I believe no change in my research purpose is required.

Conducting qualitative interviews is a stepwise approach that allows the researcher to dig deep into a topic of focus (Busseto et al., 2018). The first step will involve defining the objectives to ensure the researcher knows what to target during the interview. The second step will involve the identification of the target population and the recruitment of participants. Step three will involve designing interview questions and designing the interview guide to keeping the conversation on topic (Gray & Grove, 2021). Step four will involve conducting the actual interview and step six will involve data analysis and the development of a report. Overall, qualitative interviews aim at exploring the mindsets and beliefs of people about a certain phenomenon than would be obtained from quantitative methods.


Busetto, L., Wick, W., & Gumbinger, C. (2020). How to use and assess qualitative research methods. Neurological Research and Practice2, 1-10.

De Chesney, M. (2014). Nursing research using phenomenological designs. Links to an external site.In M. De Chesney (Ed.), Nursing research using phenomenology: Qualitative designs and methods (pp. 25–49). Springer.

Gray, J. R., & Grove, S. K. (2021). Burns & Grove’s the practice of nursing research:    Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence (9th ed.). Elsevier.

Safazadeh, S., Irajpour, A., Alimohammadi, N., & Haghani, F. (2018). Exploring the reasons for theory-practice gap in emergency nursing education: A qualitative research. Journal of Education and Health Promotion7, 132.

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